2021 Winners
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(C) 2016~2024. AUTO DESIGN AWARD all rights reserved.
THEME of 2021 : 전동화 세계, 메타 모빌리티
Kim, Young-Bin
PH-C : Personal Health Care mobility
Hong, A-Hyeon
Yoon, Ji-Eun
Tutto' - Move your mobility/Untact your public art
Kim, Ji-Hoon
E.P(exploration) : not downward but upward
Park, Ki-Hyeon
R V(Robo Vehicle), Future Mobility
Lee, Jong-Heok
MUSÈO : overlap the past
Eo, Yun-Jung
INTERVERSE : an ordinary move leading to extraordinary experience
Lee, Won-Oh
Connect with your verse
Kim, Myeong-Jun
Yellow knife
Lee, Chang-Hyun
Na, Ho-Jun
Crossroad : the connection of reality and VR
Kim, Min-Soung
작품 이미지 상단의 클릭으로 수상자를 응원해 주세요.
, Kim, Young-Bin, Hong, A-Hyeon, Yoon, Ji-Eun, Kim, Ji-Hoon, Park, Ki-Hyeon, Lee, Jong-Heok, Eo, Yun-Jung, Lee, Won-Oh, Kim, Myeong-Jun, Lee, Chang-Hyun, Na, Ho-Jun, Kim, Min-Soung
2021 Winners